and Ownership of Land
certain exceptions noted below, land cannot be owned by foreigners,
either individuals or entities, in Thailand . Since January
2002, limited exceptions are possible in the following cases:
ownership Ownership is normally transferred by a contract
in writing made before the appropriate official at the Land
Department or Amphur. The transaction is recorded on the title
deed or other document and copies of the supporting documents
such as the contract for sale, lease or mortgage are retained
in official records. With respect to land, the purchaser, if
a natural person, must prove his Thai nationality.
ownership Thai law generally restricts the right of
foreigners to buy or own land. Except as indicated below, land
cannot be owned by foreigners, either entities or individuals.
Since January 2002, there are limited exceptions and foreign
ownership of land is currently possible in the following cases:
The Board of Investment and the Industrial Estates Authority
of Thailand has power to permit promoted foreign companies to
own land for the purpose of the promoted business. The BOI must
review the land and proposed construction and agree that the
land is suitable for the promoted use. After purchase, the land
must be used for that activity and must be sold within one year
if the activity is discontinued.