was my business B1 visa application denied?
Did you include a letter from a US business explaining
the purpose and length of your trip? Did they include
information pertaining to accommodation provided
that would offset your travel costs? Such information,
as well as letters from your Employer here in Thailand
explaining your intent to return to your current
working position can support your application.
was my tourist or medical B2 visa application denied?
In addition to information regarding your finances
and intent to return to Thailand, did you submit
a statement from a doctor or hospital concerning
your intended medical treatment in the United States?
If you are traveling to visit friends of relatives
in the US a letter from them with your plans for
visiting or an itinerary from a tour agency on a
planned tour can support your application claims.
if my visa is still valid but my passport is expired?
You can show your valid visa along with your new
valid passport for legal entry into the United States.
if I've been told that I am simply ineligible?
Non-immigrant visa application form DS-156 lists
classes of persons ineligible to receive a visa
to the United States. However, there are certain
circumstances in which an ineligible person can
apply for a waiver of ineligibility and still be
approved to receive a visa to the United States.