Thailand Criminal Code : Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

    Chapter 3
    Offence Relating to Documents

    Section 264 Whoever fabricates a false document or part of a document, or adds to, takes from, or otherwise alters a genuine or puts a false seal or signature to a document which is likely to cause damage to another person or the public if it is committed in order to make any person believe that it is a genuine document, the doer is said to forge a document and shall be punished with imprisonment not more than three years or fined not more than sixty thousand baht or both.

                Whoever fills in the contents on a sheet of paper or any other material bearing the signature of another person without the consent or by violating the order of such person, if it has committed in order to take such document for use in any activities which may cause injury to any person or the public, shall be deemed to forge a document, and shall be punished likewise.

    [Penalty rate amended by section 4 of the Criminal Code Amendment (26st Issue) B.E. 2560 (A.D. 2017)]

    Section 265 Whoever forges a document of right or official document, shall be punished with imprisonment of six months to five years and fined of ten thousand baht to one hundred thousand baht.

    [Penalty rate amended by section 4 of the Criminal Code Amendment (26st Issue) B.E. 2560 (A.D. 2017)]

    Section 266 Whoever forges any of the following documents;
    (1)       A document of right which is an official document,
    (2)       A will,
    (3)       A share certificate or debenture or a share warrant or debenture warrant,
    (4)       A bill, or
    (5)       A negotiable certificate of deposit

    He shall be punished with imprisonment of one to ten years and fined twenty thousand to two hundred thousand baht.

    Section 267 Whoever notifies the official while he is performing his duty to make any false entry in the public or official document for the aims to be used as evidence which may cause injury to any person or the public, shall be imprisoned not more than three years or fined not more than sixty thousand baht or both.

    [Penalty rate amended by section 4 of the Criminal Code Amendment (26st Issue) B.E. 2560 (A.D. 2017)]

    Section 268 Whoever uses or cites the document from the execution according to Section 264, Section 265, Section 266 or Section 267, in a manner likely to cause damage to another person or the public, shall be liable to the punishment as provided in such Section.

                If the offender according to the first paragraph is the one forges such document, or causes an official to make such entry, such offender shall be punished according to this Section for one count only.

    Section 269 Whoever, in the pursuance of work in the fields of medicine, law, accountancy, or any other profession, makes the certification of the false document by the manner likely to cause damage to the other person or the public, shall be imprisoned not more than two years or fined not more than forty thousand baht or both.

                Whoever dishonestly uses or cites the certification from the execution according to the first paragraph shall be punished in the same manner.

    [Penalty rate amended by section 4 of the Criminal Code Amendment (26st Issue) B.E. 2560 (A.D. 2017)]


Unofficial translation by Chaninat and Leeds, Thai Attorneys