Thailand Criminal Code : Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

    Title X
    Offence Against Life and Body

    Chapter 1
    Offence Causing Death

    Section 288 Whoever murders other person, shall be punished by death or imprisoned of fifteen to twenty years.

    Section 289 Whoever commits murder to;

    1. An ascendant
    2. An official in duty, or because of exercising his duty or have exercised his duty
    3. A person who assists an official in duty, or because of exercising his duty or have exercised his duty
    4. Other person by discreet
    5. Other person by employing torture or cruelty
    6. Other person for the purpose of preparing or facilitating the commission of other offence, or
    7. Other person for the purpose of securing the benefit obtained through other, or concealing the other offence or escaping punishment for the other offence committed by him,

    He shall be punished with death.

    Section 290 Whoever, causes death to other person by inflicting injury upon the body of such person without intent to cause death, shall be punished with imprisonment of three to fifteen years.
    If the offence being committed under any of the circumstances in Section 289, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of three to twenty years.

    Section 291 Whoever does the act by negligence and causes the other person to death, shall be imprisoned not more than ten years or fined not more than twenty thousand baht.

    Section 292 Whoever, being cruel or doing similar factor to the person that depended on him for subsistence or any other activities so that person shall commit suicide if the suicide has been committed or has been attempted, shall be imprisoned not more than seven years and fined not more than fourteen thousand baht.

    [Penalty rate amended by section 4 of the Criminal Code Amendment (26st Issue) B.E. 2560 (A.D. 2017)]

    Section 293 Whoever aids or encourages a child less than sixteen years of age, or a person who is unable to understand the nature and importance of his act or who is unable to control his act, to commit suicide, shall, if the suicide has been committed or has been attempted, shall be punished with imprisonment not more than five years or fined not more than ten thousand baht, or both.

    Section 294 Whoever, joins in as affray with more than three persons, and any person, whether he participates in such affray or not, is death, shall be imprisoned not more than two years or fined not more than four thousand baht, or both.


Unofficial translation by Chaninat and Leeds, Thai Attorneys