Thailand Criminal Code : Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

    Chapter 5
    Attempt to Commit an Offence

    Section 80 Whoever commences to commit an offence, but does not carry it through, or carries it through, but does not achieve its end, is said to attempt to commit an offence.

    Whoever attempts to commit an offence shall be liable to two-thirds of the punishment as provided by the law for such offence.

    Section 81 Whoever commences and commits an action in which the law prescribed as the offence, but does not commit it through, because of the tools used in such attempt or the cause of an object, such person in said to attempts and commits an offence and shall receive not more than one-half of the punishment as prescribed for such offence.

    If the act mentioned in the first paragraph is done on account of blind belief, the Court may not inflict the punishment.

    Section 82 Whoever attempts to commit an offence, but, on his own accord, desists from carrying it through, or changes his mind and prevents the act from achieving its end, shall not be punished for such attempt to commit the offence. But, if what he has already done comes under the provisions of law as an offence, he shall be punished for such offence.


Unofficial translation by Chaninat and Leeds, Thai Attorneys